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Reference Page

Because of my research background, I have been able to gather a never ending supply of references, mostly pertaining to Adverse Mechanical Neuromeningeal Tension (AMNT), that is, the concept of nervous system involvement in the generation of symptoms. I have taken a few references out of my list, to try to stimulate some thought and interest in this subject, so that any reader of these pages may want to share their thoughts and experiences about AMNT.

Well, here it is:

Blomberg R: The dorsomedian connective tissue band in the lumbar epidural space of humans. Anesth Analg 65:747-752, 1986

Bogduk N: The innervation of the lumbar spine. Spine 8:286-293, 1983

Breig A: Biomechanics of the Central Nervous System, Stockholm: Almquist and Wiksell. 1960

Breig A: Adverse Mechanical Tension in the Nervous System, Stockholm: Almquist and Wiksell. 1978

Breig A, Troup JDG: Biomechanical considerations in the straight leg raising test: cadaveric and clinical studies of the effects of medial hip rotation. Spine 4:242-250, 1979

Butler DS: Mobilisation of the Nervous System, Melbourne: Churchill Livingstone. 1991

Butler DS, Gifford L: The concept of adverse mechanical tension in the nervous system. Part one: Testing for ‘dural tension’. Physiother 75:622-629, 1989

Butler DS, Gifford L: The concept of adverse mechanical tension in the nervous system. Part two: Examination and treatment. Physiother 75:629-636, 1989

Charnley J: Orthopaedic signs in diagnosis of disc protrusion with special reference to straight leg raising test. Lancet 1:186-192, 1951

Corrigan B, Maitland GD: Practical Orthopaedic Medicine, London: Butterworths. 1983

Cyriax J: Dural pain. Lancet April:919-921, 1978

Cyriax J: Textbook of Orthopaedic Medicine, 7th Edition Vol. 1, London: Bailliere Tindall. 1978

Dahlin LB, Sjostrand J, McLean WG: Graded inhibition of retrograde axonal transport by compression of rabbit vagus nerve. J Neurol Sci 76:221-230, 1986

Davidson S: Prone knee bend: An investigation into the effect of cervical flexion and extension. In: Dalziel BA, Snowsill JC (eds), Proceedings Fifth Biennial M.T.A.A. Conference, Melbourne: Manipulative Therapists’ Association of Australia, 1987

Dommisse GF: The blood supply of the spinal cord. In: Grieve GP, Modern Manual Therapy of the Vertebral Column, Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 1986

Edgar MA, Nundy S: Innervation of the spinal dura mater. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 29:530-534, 1966

Elvey RL: Brachial plexus tension test and the pathoanatomical origin of arm pain. In: Dewhurst D, Glasgow EF, Tehan P, Ward AR (eds), Aspects of Manipulative Therapy: Proceedings of a Multidisciplinary International Conference on Manipulative Therapy, pp 105-110. Melbourne: Lincoln Institute of Health Sciences, 1980

Elvey RL: Pathophysiology of radiculopathy: A clinical interpretation. In: Dalziel BA, Snowsill JC (eds), Proceedings Fifth Biennial M.T.A.A. Conference, Melbourne: Manipulative Therapists’ Association of Australia, 1987

Elvey RL, Quintner JL, Thomas AN: A clinical study of RSI. Aust Family Physician 15:1314-1319, 1986

Fahrni W: Observation on straight leg raising with special reference to nerve root adhesions. Can J Surg 9:44-48, 1966

Gajdosik RL, LeVeau BF, Bohannon RW: Effects of ankle dorsiflexion on active and passive unilateral straight leg raising. Phys Ther 65:1478-1482, 1985

Goddard MD, Reid JD: Movements induced by straight leg raising in the lumbo-sacral roots, nerves and plexus, and in the intrapelvic section of the sciatic nerve. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 28:12-18, 1965

Grieve GP: Common Vertebral Joint Problems, Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone. 1988

Hromada J: On the nerve supply of the connective tissue of some peripheral nervous system components. Acta Anatomica 55:343-351, 1963

Jänig W: The sympathetic nervous system in pain: Physiology and pathophysiology. In: Stanton-Hicks M (ed), Pain and the Sympathetic Nervous System, pp 17-89. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990

Kadish LJ, Simmons EH: Anomalies of the lumbosacral nerve roots. J Bone Joint Surg (Br) 66B:411-416, 1984

Kenneally M, Rubenach H, Elvey RL: The upper limb tension test: The SLR test of the arm. In: Grant R (ed), Physical Therapy of the Cervical and Thoracic Spine, Clinics in Physical Therapy 17, Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone. 1988

Kornberg C: The incidence of positive slump test in Australian Rules football players with grade one hamstring strain. Proceedings Tenth International Congress W.C.P.T. pp 1060-1064. Sydney: World Confederation of Physical Therapy, 1987

Kornberg C, Lew P: The effect of stretching neural structures on grade one hamstring injuries. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 10:481-487, 1989

Kornberg C, Vivian D, Wajswelner H: Common Lower Back Problems in Sport - Their Assessment, Management and Prevention, Canberra: Australian Sports Medicine Federation. 1991

Kornberg C, McCarthy T: The effect of neural stretching on sympathetic outflow to the lower limbs. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 16:269-274, 1992

Lee MHM, Ernst M: The sympatholytic effect of acupuncture as evidenced by thermography: A preliminary report. Orthop Rev 12:67-72, 1983

Leung AL: Effects of cervical lateral flexion on the slump test in normal young subjects - Unpublished thesis, Adelaide: South Australian Institute of Technology. 1983

Lew PC: The straight leg raise and lumbar stiffness - Unpublished thesis, Adelaide: South Australian Institute of Technology. 1979

Lew PC, Puentedura EJ: The straight-leg-raise test and spinal posture. Proceedings Fourth Biennial M.T.A.A. Conference, Brisbane: Manipulative Therapists’ Association of Australia, 1985

Lundborg G, Dahlin LB: Pathophysiology of Nerve Compression. In: Szabo RM (ed), Nerve Compression Syndromes, Thorofare, N.J.: Slack, 1989

Lundborg G, Rydevik B: Effects of stretching the tibial nerve of rabbit: A preliminary study of the intraneural circulation and the barrier function of the perineurium. J Bone Joint Surg (Br) 55B:390-401, 1973

Maitland GD: Peripheral Manipulation, London: Butterworths. 1977

Maitland GD: Movement of pain sensitive structures in the vertebral canal in a group of Physiotherapy students. Proceedings Inaugural Conference M.T.A.A., Sydney: Manipulative Therapists’ Association of Australia. 1978

Maitland GD: Negative disc exploration: positive canal signs. Aust J Phys 25:129-134, 1979

Maitland GD: The slump test: examination and treatment. Aust J Phys 31:215-219, 1985

Maitland GD: Vertebral Manipulation, London: Butterworths. 1986

Massey AE: Movement of pain sensitive structures in the neural canal. In Grieve GP, Modern Manual Therapy of the Vertebral Column, Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone. 1985

Massey EW, Riley TL, Pleet AB: Coexistent carpal tunnel syndrome and cervical radiculopathy (double crush syndrome). Southern Med J 74:957-959, 1981

McLellan DL, Swash M: Longitudinal sliding of the median nerve during movements of the upper limb. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 39:556-570, 1976

Meals RA: Peroneal nerve palsy complicating ankle sprain. J Bone Joint Surg (Am) 59A:966-968, 1977

Murphy RW: Nerve roots and spinal nerves in degenerative disc disease. Clin Orthop and Related Research 129:46-60, 1977

Nobel W: Peroneal palsy due to haematoma in the common peroneal nerve sheath after distal torsional fractures and inversion ankle sprains. J Bone Joint Surg (Am) 48A:1484-1495, 1966

Pang D, Wilberger JE: Tethered cord syndrome in adults. J Neurosurg 57:32-47, 1982

Panjabi MM, Takata K, Goel VK: Kinematics of lumbar intervertebral foramen. Spine 8:348-357, 1983

Pechan J, Julius F: The pressure measurement in the ulnar nerve: A contribution to the pathophysiology of cubital tunnel syndrome. J Biomech 8:75-79, 1975

Reid JD: Effects of flexion-extension movements of the head and spine upon the spinal cord and nerve roots. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 23:214-221, 1960

Shacklock M: The plantarflexion/inversion straight leg raise - Unpublished thesis, Adelaide: South Australian Institute of Technology. 1989

Slater H: The effect of foot position on the SLR responses. In: Jones HM, Jones MA, Milde MR (eds), Proceedings Sixth Biennial M.T.A.A. Conference, Adelaide: Manipulative Therapists’ Association of Australia, 1989

Sunderland S: Meningeal-neural relations in the intervertebral foramen. J Neurosurg 40:756-763, 1974

Sunderland S: The nerve lesion in carpal tunnel syndrome. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 39:615-626, 1976

Sunderland S: Nerves and Nerve Injuries, Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone. 1978

Sunderland S: The mischievous fibroblast: friction, trauma, fibrosis and adhesions. In: Jones HM, Jones MA, Milde MR (eds), Proceedings Sixth Biennial M.T.A.A. Conference, Adelaide: Manipulative Therapists’ Association of Australia, 1989

Sutton JL: The straight leg raising test - Unpublished thesis, Adelaide: South Australian Institute of Technology. 1979

Tani S, Yamada S, Knighton RS: Extensibility of the lumbar and sacral cord: Pathophysiology of the tethered spinal cord in cats. J Neurosurg 66:116-123, 1987

Tencer AN, Allen BL, Ferguson RL: A biomechanical study of thoraco-lumbar spine fractures with bone in the canal. Part 3: Mechanical properties of the dura and its tethering ligaments. Spine 10:741-747, 1985

Werner CO, Rosen I, Thorngren KG: Clinical and neurophysiological characteristics of the pronator syndrome. Clin Orthop and Related Research 197:231-236, 1985

The concepts presented here are entirely the author's own (unless expressly stated) and do not represent the thoughts or ideas of any other person.

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© Charlie Kornberg. All rights reserved. No part of this web page, or related accompanying pages, may be reproduced without the prior permission of the Author.