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Articles of Interest

This page is devoted to the articles, usually of current and recent publication, which have landed somehow on my desk. As part of the Master in Manipulative Physiotherapy that I completed at La Trobe University, many articles were read as part of a literature review that was part of the curriculum. Because of this, and other reading that I pursue, I will be adding articles of interest.

Enjoy the articles and should you want to give the articles a critique, feel free to let me know and I would be happy to append to the listed article your views and comments.

Acknowledgement goes to MPA for distributing a great many references via their supplement to the MPA News. Thanks!

Cervical Spine

Borghouts JA, Koes BW: The clinical course and prognostic factors of non-specific neck pain: a systematic review. Pain 77(1):1-13, 1998

Gam AN, Vanagaite Vingen J, Strivner LJ: Treatment of myofascial trigger points with ultrasound combined with massage and exercise - a randomised controlled trial. Pain 77(1):73-79, 1998.

Vanagaite Vingen J, Strivner LJ: Photophobia and phonophobia in tension-type and cervicogenic headache. Cephalagia 18(6):313-318, 1998

Randlov A, Ostergaard M, Manniche C, Kryger P, Jordan A, Heegaard S, Holm B: Intensive dynamic training for females with chronic neck/shoulder pain. A randomized controlled trial. Clin Rehabil 12(3):200-210, 1998.

Birch S, Jamison RN: Controlled trial of Japanese acupuncture for chronic myofascial neck pain: assessment of specific and non-specific effects of treatment. Clin J Pain 14(3):248-255, 1998.

Vicenzino B, Collins D, Benson H, Wright A: An investigation of the interrelationship between manipulative therapy-induced hypalgesia and sympathoexcitation. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 21(7):448-453, 1998.

Dai L: Disc degeneration and cervical instability. Correlation of magnetic resonance imaging with radiography. Spine 23(16):1734-1738, 1998.

Lumbar Spine

Dullerud R, Abelnoor M: Pressure measurements in herniated lumbar disks: association with radiologic and clinical data. J Spinal Disord 11(4):322-327, 1998.

Quint U, Wilke HJ: Importance of the intersegmental trunk muscles for the stability of the lumbar spine. A biomechanical study in vitro. Spine 23(18):1937-1945, 1998.

Van Poppel MN, Koes BW: Risk factors for back pain incidence in industry: a prospective study. Pain 77(1):81-86, 1998.


van der Wurff P, Hagmeijer RH, Meyne W: Clinical tests of the sacroiliac joint. A systematic methodological review. Part 1: reliability. J Man Ther 5(1):30-36, 2000

Bennell K, Khan K, McKay H: The role of physiotherapy in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. J Man Ther 5(4):198-213, 2000

Bang MD, Deyle GD: Comparison of supervised exercise with and without manual physical therapy for patients with shoulder impingement syndrome. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 30(3):126-137, 2000

Broadhurst NA, Bond MJ: Pain provocation tests for the assessment of sacroiliac joint dysfunction. J Spinal Disord 11(4):341-345, 1998.

Rayan GM: Thoracic outlet syndrome. J Shoulder Elbow Surg 7(4):440-451, 1998

Giles GE: Magnetic resonance imaging and clinical follow-up: study of 27 patients receiving chiropractic care for cervical and lumbar disc herniations. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 21(6):428, 1998.

The concepts presented here are entirely the author's own (unless expressly stated) and do not represent the thoughts or ideas of any other person.

Brighton Spine Institute | 441 Bay Street Brighton, Victoria 3186 | AUSTRALIA | Tel. + 61 3 9596 7211 | Fax. + 61 3 9596 7871

© Charlie Kornberg. All rights reserved. No part of this web page, or related accompanying pages, may be reproduced without the prior permission of the Author.